This can be the start of a novel or a screenplay for a movie; it doesn't matter, you write it down and with the time you will see if it fits the concept you want to create. You might find it strange, but writing is rarely a full-time job. Most writers struggle between their day-to-day job and the need to create a story. A story so beautiful and interesting that you want to share it with the world. So make treasures of the little pause moments it is imperatively important! It does not matter how hard it is to find the time, we still feel the urge to write. It is very rare that you can assign to your script some fixed schedule during the day / the week. Nobody really can be that strict...and you are a writer... so you are creative. You write when you are waiting for the bus at the station, on the train during the commuting or in a bar sipping your morning coffee. Ideas come and go so you better write them down quickly. Truth is: if you like something, you will find the time to work on it, to let it grow. The first thing you need to understand is that there is not a software or an app in this world that is a substitute for your creativity. An app can support you in managing the content BUT the concept, the very first idea needs to come from you. Having said that it is fair to add that we designed TwelvePoint in a way that it can adapt to your creativity process. You sit at a bar, and you have an idea for few lines, just take your iPhone or iPod and add it down. TwelvePoint gives you the possibility to let you grow your story from the idea, to the outline and finally to the actions and dialogs. The beauty of TwelvePoint is that it does not matter. Adding lines to your outline helps you to keep a 360 degrees view on your story and a project on an iPhone can be imported/archive on any Apple device (except Apple Watch...). You can basically write your own story on a iPod Touch and even send it without even touching any margin. That's freedom. Start Writing Remember that you can always reach us via e-mail or on social networks: 𝕏, Instagram.Writing Screenplays with Twelvepoint?
The freedom of writing anywhere When you have an idea, you want to write it down as soon as it gets to you
Finding the right spot to write
Shall I write on paper?
Shall I write on iPhone or on a Mac?
(Intel, Silicon)
(iPhone, iPad, Apple Vision Pro)
Our community
We constantly update TwelvePoint to provide you with state-of-the-art screenwriting software. The feedback from our community is considered when developing new functionalities or removing those that are not needed anymore.
Learn more: Screenwriting Software | Write anywhere with TwelvePoint